Favorite breakfast? Chris: Salmon & Goat Cheese Crepes. Andrea: Breakfast Tacos.
I go to eggtc. when…? On weekends when we roll out of bed.
I like my eggs….? Over medium.
Waffles of pancakes? Waffles.
For work I: Chris: Dealer Development at John Deere.
Andrea: Marketing at CapWest Mortgage.
But what I’d really like to do is: Open an eggtc. franchise in St. Lucia!
I tell people my favorite movie is: Goodfellas.
But it’s actually: Goodfellas!!
I like my coffee: Scalding hot with cream.
TV guilty pleasure: Chris: Car Shows. Andrea: Real Housewives.
Hometown: Lenexa.
Neighborhood: Falcon Pointe.
I go to breakfast with: Each other .
My dream breakfast companion is…? Chris: Chip Foose. Andrea: Mindy Kaling.
Favorite eggtc. server? We love everyone at the Midland location!
Nobody knows that we: Sleep in until noon and have to race to eggtc. before they close!
Why eggtc.? Best brunch in town and they treat us like family.