Gene Cramer – aka the Flower Manimage

Favorite breakfast? One biscuit with gravy

I go when to eggtc. when …? Daily minus a day here and there

I like my eggs …. ? Basted

Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes

For work I: Retired from Sprint

But what I’d really like to do is: I am! Enjoying retirement

I tell people my favorite movie is: Fear Country

But it’s actually: Fear Country

I like my coffee: With REAL cream

TV guilty pleasure: Nakita

Hometown: Alden, Kansas

Neighborhood: Shawnee

I go to breakfast with: Me, myself and I

My dream breakfast companion is …? My late wife, Thais

Favorite eggtc. server? …

Nobody knows I: …Because I’m not telling anyone!

Why eggtc.? Everyone knows your name