Karli Ritter
Favorite breakfast? The southern girl in me LOVES biscuits and gravy
I go when to eggtc. when …? I’m meeting my girlfriends for brunch (their breakfast, my lunch!)
I like my eggs …. ? Over easy or “dippy” as I called them growing up!
Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes
For work I: Am a meteorologist. I am up early (2am!) forecasting at Fox 4 in order to get you prepared for your day. I let you know if you need the umbrella or jacket as you head out the door.
But what I’d really like to do is: Own a restaurant and be the chef
I tell people my favorite movie is: Fried Green Tomatoes
But it’s actually: Twister, it’s the weather nerd in me. “Cow!…Another cow!”
I like my coffee: Disguised as a latte. I started working mornings out of college but only recently started drinking lattes.
TV guilty pleasure: Chopped! My husband and I invent meals all of the time with “whatever is left in the fridge/pantry”.
Hometown: DeLand, FL (born and raised, left the sunshine state in my mid 20s)
Neighborhood: Waldo
I go to breakfast with: My girlfriends. It’s our substitute to meeting up during happy hour since I’m usually getting into bed by then!
My dream breakfast companion is …? Justin Timberlake. He is an amazing entertainer and *maybe* we can get him into your place to have a meal before his July 2014 concert in KC!
Favorite eggtc. server? They are all great!
Nobody knows I: Am comfortable talking to thousands of people but freak out if I’m in the same crowd of thousands of people.
Why eggtc.? It’s local, always delicious and feels like home instead of a restaurant. And, I’m slightly obsessed with your eggs benedict Florentine!