Delena Stouta_midlevel_career_shift_against_all_odds

1.Favorite Breakfast? Crepe Cena

2. I like to go to Eggtc. when…? Every other week

3. I like my eggs…? Over easy

4. Waffles or pancakes? Waffles

5. For work I: Own Brookside Barkery and Bath

6. But what I’d really like to do is: Pet rescue

7. I tell people my favorite movie is: Fried Green Tomatoes

8. But it’s actually: The King’s Speech

9. I like my coffee: Mocha with an extra shot of espresso

10. TV guilty pleasure: Reality TV and Downton Abbey

11. Hometown: Kansas City

12. Neighborhood: Brookside

13. I go to breakfast with: My management team

14. My breakfast dream companion is: Warren Buffett

15. Favorite eggtc. server: Michelle Navarro

16. Nobody knows I: Love to dance

17. Why eggtc.? Good food, good service – great place.